Item description: (German) FELDPOST 1915STPL. BAD FUSSARD-REG. FARB-AK SRASSBURG | Item number: 20044795 | |
1. Rekruten-Depot Bad. Fussard. Regiment No. 14 1.7.1915 violetter L2 auf Ansichtskarte Straßburg - Das Münster. Karte als Feldpost gelaufen. Automatic translation to English (powered by philatranslator): 1. Recruits depot Bad. Fussard. Regiment No. 14 1.7.1915 violet two-line cancel on picture postcard Strasbourg - the cathedral. Card as army postal service used. |
Informations about the seller Seller: tante-hilda Frage an tante-hilda View seller's other items Registered as a private seller Item location: Tenerife, Canarias, spanien Weight: 10 Gr. |
Item specifics for letter, card, postal stationery: | ||
Quality: look at the scan |
Catalogue: Michel, Cat.-No.: Legend |
Fix price 4.10 EUR Buy it now |
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Listing and payment hints: Ich trage die Versandkosten für Normalbriefe, Einschreiben + 4,60 |