Item description: (German) BREMEN 1855, 3 Gr. schwarz auf blaugrau, waagerecht gestreiftes Papier, Type III | Item number: 20129549 | |
1855, 3 Gr. schwarz auf blaugrau, waagerecht gestreiftes Papier, Type III, Kabinett, gepr. u.a. Bühler, Mi. (350.-) Automatic translation to English (powered by philatranslator): 1855, 3 Gr. Black on blue-grey, horizontal laid paper, type III, superb in every respect (choice copy), expertized among others Buehler, Michel (350.-) |
Informations about the seller Seller: nordphila Frage an nordphila View seller's other items Registered as a business seller Item location: Noer, Deutschland |
Item specifics for stamp/stamps: | ||
Quality: look at the scan |
Catalogue: , Cat.-No.: 1y Legend |
Sold at: 2024-10-07 Verkaufspreis ca. 156.25 |
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Listing and payment hints: nordphila veranstaltet Versteigerungen. Es gelten die Versteigerungsbedingungen. Impressum: |